Laser Cutting of Steel, Sheet Metal, and Stainless Steel in Gnosjö

Laser cutting is an excellent method for producing prototypes and products in limited to medium-sized batches. Laser cutting not only provides cost savings but also reduces preparation and changeover times. Laser cutting achieves precision and intricate detail in the cutting process, resulting in high-quality end products. The minimal contact between the laser and the material helps prevent potential damage or deformation that can occur with other cutting methods.

Laser Cutting Produces Perfect Cut Surfaces

surface is of such high quality that there is often no need for subsequent grinding work. With cut surfaces having a tolerance of only ± 0.1 mm, laser cutting not only saves time but also reduces the cost of additional post-processing. This precision in the cut surface also minimizes the risk of errors and defects, which in turn contributes to higher quality in the final product. This means products manufactured using laser cutting are ready to be used or integrated into larger systems immediately after the cutting process.

Laser Cutting is Cost-Effective

We offer both time and cost-efficient production with the right results according to your high standards.

Grahnab - a flexible and efficient partner for laser cutting